Featured: 90 Second Nerd’s Eight Games
“In Eight Games different board gamers share the eight games they’d select in eight different situations. The links are given to Board Game Geek listings for you to find out more. “
The 90 Second Nerd Team. Photo: The Dark Imp
“This month the 90 Second Nerd team (Bekah, Jenny, Nick, and Dallas) choose their eight games. 90 Second Nerd started out of a desire for quicker ways to learn about games and other assorted nerdy sundry. They strive to be brief, informative, and hopefully at least a little entertaining.”
90 Second Nerd named The Game of Wolf in this month’s Eight Games picks. Their categories include:
A game to take to granny’s house
A game to take to a restaurant
A game to take to a reunion
A game to take to a primary school
A game to take to a youth club
A game to take to a job interview
A game to take to a hospital
A game to take to a cabin in the woods
Find out which category Wolf is featured in by reading the full article at The Dark Imp!